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About the Program:

The Waltham Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the sponsorship of a new Rising Leaders program. This unique program will allow a Rising Leaders cohort to meet with executives, politicians, and community activists to learn about their unique leadership styles. The cohort participants will also complete and review a 360 Self-Assessment, take a class in situational leadership and network with other high performing leaders within the community.


Anyone who is living, working, volunteering or interested in the Waltham area is eligible to apply to the Rising Leaders program.

Selection Process:

Each participant will be selected by the Leadership Team based on the following criteria: Strength of application, leadership potential, community involvement, reference letters, professional and personal accomplishments.


A $500.00 fee will be charged for each participant to cover speaker fee’s, course materials and banquet. (Limited financial assistance will be available)

Application Open:

May 1st, 2022

Application Close:

July 1st, 2022

Application Requirements:

Please Email the below to [email protected].

  • Resume
  • Cover Letter
  • One reference letter from a superior at place of employment or a mentor along with contact information
  • Minimum 5 Years but no more than 15 years of professional working experience
  • In a current leadership position or potential to be in a leadership position
  • Willing to commit to the full 9-month program



Program Dates:

THURSDAY 9/8/2022 7:00PM 9:00PM
THURSDAY 9/22/2022 7:00PM 9:00PM
THURSDAY 10/13/2022 7:00PM 9:00PM
SATURDAY 10/22/2022 9:00AM 4:00PM
THURSDAY 11/10/2022 7:00PM 9:00PM
THURSDAY 12/8/2022 7:00PM 9:00PM
SATURDAY 12/17/2022 9:00AM 4:00PM
THURSDAY 1/5/2023 7:00PM 9:00PM
THURSDAY 1/19/2023 7:00PM 9:00PM
THURSDAY 2/10/2023 7:00PM 9:00PM
SATURDAY 2/25/2023 9:00AM 4:00PM
THURSDAY 3/9/2023 7:00PM 9:00PM
THURSDAY 3/23/2023 7:00PM 9:00PM
THURSDAY 4/13/2023 7:00PM 9:00PM
SATURDAY 4/22/2023 9:00AM 4:00PM
THURSDAY 5/11/2023 7:00PM 9:00PM



Please email [email protected] with any questions you have regarding this program.



Sponsorship Opportunities:

If your business is interested in sponsoring this leadership program, please email [email protected].


Tier 1: $1,000 Sponsorship includes a guaranteed speakership spot at a Thursday session, company name included in all promotional materials, 2 tickets to end of year banquet, email, and contact list of all participants.

Tier 2: $3,000 Sponsorship includes a guaranteed speakership spot at a Thursday session, company name included in all promotional materials, 4 tickets to end of year banquet, email and contact list of all participants, guaranteed placement of 1 individual from your company in the cohort.

Tier 3: $5,000 Sponsorship includes a guaranteed speakership spot at a Thursday or Saturday session, company name included in all promotional materials, 6 tickets to end of year banquet, email and contact list of all participants, guaranteed placement of 2 individuals from your company in the cohort, opportunity for speaking opportunity at year end banquet.


Thank you to our Corporate Premier Sponsors